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Channelled Message From The Pleiadians


Wow, what a great responsibility it is to live in love and light. It is my purpose in this lifetime on Earth and I am here to share the positive vibrations with you, and help you find your way back to your true self. As an intuitive, I have discovered the ability to channel, and I've decided to just roll with it. Of course, in my 1:1 healing sessions I am channeling messages for my clients. Often I personally have clear messages or downloads while I am dreaming, or have moments in a meditative state in which I choose to dial in, in which case I kind of drop everything to write down what is coming through. I don't entirely promote myself as a medium, but it seems that I am, and I feel obliged to share some of the messages that I receive, as now I am getting ones that are not just for me personally, but to share with others. Most recently, I had this realization:


“It is time to level up your teachings. You have been bringing the lessons through in a simple way, meeting people where they are at, but you can elevate them and open your minds at a new level. People are ready.”

And then, I just sat down at my keyboard to record this beautiful message to share:

"We don’t want to dumb things down for you. All of you are evolved beings, who are undergoing rapid change. You need to make sense of it, and we want to help you do that. We will not treat you like you know nothing, or as if it is business as usual, like the patriarchial and oppressive systems that you live in do. No, we treat you like the wise, sovereign beings that you are, who are currently undergoing rapid enlightenment. We want you to know the truth, not tell you lies, or underestimate your intelligence and capabilities.


            Many of you are feeling new energies that you may perceive as “stress” because you don’t know what is happening or how to process it. We ask that you make space for yourselves to experience self-care as you acclimate to these new frequencies in your physical body, your mind, your consciousness. Your emotions are teaching you as well. But please do not become too attached to them. They are helping you navigate change.


            Processes such as breath work, yoga, meditation, walking, being in nature, moving your bodies, and experiencing sound healing, are just a few ways to modulate your frequency, or “manage your energy” as this channel likes to say. It is a fun time for you to be alive as humanity is discovering many new ways to do this. So don’t be afraid to try new methods and modalities, as there are many available to you, dear ones.


            You may also experience that some of your habits are changing. You find yourself wanting to maintain discipline and structure in regards to old habits but the new ones may be more nurturing for you. Please explore them and give yourself time.


Thank you, we love you. Our message is complete. Love, love, love is always the way.


PS- If you are feeling out of love, you may need to adjust your frequency or that or those around you in some way."

Normally this is the kind of thing I would be nervous to share, and just keep to myself, for fear of being judged or perceived as crazy or whatever. But I see the beautiful and inspired channeled work put forth by other mediums that has touched my life, so I wanted to share it. A time goes on, this stuff won't seem weird anymore. And remember, we are all channeling in some way, through our talents, our work, our gifts. How do you channel in your life?


Stephanie and her Guides

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